Bardia Nikbakhsh

Software Engineering Student and Back-End Developer

About Me

Hi, I'm Bardia Nikbakhsh, and I'm a web developer with expertise in Django, Python. In addition to my web development skills, I have experience creating Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) using Python frameworks such as PyQT, Tkinter, and Kivy.

Specifically, I have worked on developing and implementing machine learning models using Python libraries such as TensorFlow, Keras, and Scikit-learn. I am familiar with various machine learning techniques such as supervised and unsupervised learning, and deep learning.

Additionally, I am familiar with Linux operating system and have experience working with Linux command line interface (CLI) and shell scripting.

I'm a quick learner and enjoy collaborating with others to solve complex problems and deliver innovative solutions.


Mazandaran, Iran

Professional Skills

Python Programming Language
Django Backend Framework
Linux OS
Machine Learning
Celery (Async Tasks Manager)
PostgreSql, MySql
MongoDB, Redis

Work Experience

Python, Django Intern at Sepehrar System
September, 2023 - Present
Some projects including designing and implementing database schemas using Django ORM, troubleshooting issues and bugs and etc


Bachelor of Computer Science from MUST
2020 - Present
I studied Computer Engineering in Mazandaran University of Science and Technology(MUST).


Django Project

Django Reservation System

This website uses Django as backend and developed by considering costumer's requirements . Check out here.

Flutter Application

Flutter Application for Barbershop

Android/IOS Application for managing Reservations for a Barbershop. This appication using REST API to fetching Data and also manipulating database.

Django Project

ToDoList and Notes App

A high-performance To-Do List platform was developed using Django, The frontend section was developed using the Bootstrap framework. The platform is now deployed and live, providing users with a reliable tool for managing their tasks. Check out here.

Python GUI App

CRUD GUI Application

This is a desktop application that enables CRUD operations, using MySQL as the DBMS and PyQT for the GUI. It allows users to easily create, read, update, and delete records as needed.

Python / Kivy GUI / BS4

IMDB Web Crawling App

This project is focused on web scraping and utilizes the BeautifulSoup library for this purpose. Additionally, the Kivy framework is employed to develop a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the project. The purpose of this project is to extract data from IMDB website and visualize them with GUI.

Certificates & licenses

5 Real-Time Use Cases using Machine Learning


on 08/05/2023



+989382701160 (Whatsapp, Telegram)